Version 1.1 PostJam


## [1.1] - 2020-06-15
### Added
 - This CHANGELOG file
 - Post Processing image effects: ambient occlusion, color grading, vignette
 - Xbox controller support and better keyboard bindings
 - New game view, the player can now rotate around the ship and have a better view around him
 - Ambient sound
 - SFX: explosion, shooting, getting hit and picking up donuts
 - Added HowToPlay.txt

### Changed
 - Donuts collider is now bigger
 - Contextual action's text spreads now on a wider part of the screen
 - Tweaked the amount of life for AI ships and the amount of donuts they reward
 - Player's ship is now faster
 - Bigger donuts explosion when spawning
 - Donuts now move up and down when floating, and the rotation start is random
 - Clouds spawn area is now higher, it goes up to the battlefield area
 - Made bullet movement 50% faster!

### Fixed
 - AI ships can't no longer shoot at you when they're dead
 - The player can't keep shooting when he reaches 0 ammo

## [1.0] - 2020-06-15
Release for the jam

Files 25 MB
Jun 16, 2020 31 MB
Jun 16, 2020 26 MB
Jun 16, 2020

Get Donuts Smuggler

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